Hunting for Salak Pondoh in Sleman
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Getting There
From Jogjakarta, you can rent a car to this area. The journey will take about 30 minutes. Or if you happen to be in Magelang, you can rent a car to this place. It is only 20 kilometers away from Magelang. Alternatively, you can use a bus from Jogjakarta to Magelang. You'll then get off before Murangan Hospital, or, to be precise, in front of Sleman Junior High School (SMP 2). Then you can use public transportation to Ngablak Square. From this place you can ride another public transportation heading to salak pondoh farm.
Hotels and inns in Jogjakarta.
Moving Around
Explore this exceptional site on foot. By car, you can visit Kaliurang, a cool area where you can see Merapi Mountain from a distance.
Dining Guide
There are no restaurants in this farm, so you're welcome to bring your own food and drink. You can try eating at Moro Lejar, about 3 kilometers from Kaliurang. Here you can sample crispy, tasty freshwater fish.
Souvenir Tips
You can buy salak pondoh at a very cheap price in this site.
Other Things to See or Do
In this 27 hectare farm, you can have a picnic while enjoying the scenery, take pictures, sample salak pondoh straight from the trees. You can also visit gardens containing flowers and orchid, garden consisting of plants with medicinal value in this area.
Travel Tips
- Some star hotels in Jogjakarta offer their own rental cars.
- Visit this farm when they're harvesting in November to December (big harvest) and from June to July (medium harvest). That way you'll be able to sample more salak on this farm (4-5, compared to 2-3 pieces on regular days). This way you'll be able to buy salak pondoh at a very low price. If you visit this farm on other months, however, the price might triple.
- It is best to visit this farm early in the morning. That way the temperature is cooler and you can go straight to Kaliurang to see Merapi Mountain. If you come to Kaliurang later on the day, Merapi might not still be visible.