Simple Bahasa Indonesia
Greetings and Civilities
- Good Morning (until 11 a.m) = Selamat Pagi
- Good day (11 a.m. to 3 p.m) = Selamat Siang
- Good afternoon (3 p.m. to 6 p.m) = Selamat Sore
- Good Night (after 6 p.m) = Selamat Malam
- What is your name? = Siapa Nama anda?
- My name is.... = Nama Saya....
- Thank you = Terima kasih
- You're welcome = Kembali
- How are you? = Apa kabar?
- Im fine = Kabar baik
- Please (asking for help) = Tolong
- Please (giving permission) = Silakan
- Sorry = Maaf
- Excuse me = Permisi
- How much? = Berapa?
- Whats the price? = Berapa harganya?
- How many Kilometers? = Berapa Kilometer?
- Where is....? = Di mana ada?
- Which way? = Ke mana?
- May I take a photo? = Boleh saya foto?
- Where do you live? = Anda tinggal di mana?
- What is this called in Bahasa Indonesia? = Apa namanya ini dalam bahasa Indonesia?
- Do you have.....? = Ada....?
Useful World And Phrases
- I don't understand = Saya tidak mengerti
- I don't want it = Saya tidak mau
- I want to go to.... = Saya mau ke....
- Yes = Ya
- No = Tidak
- Toilet = Kamar Kecil, WC (pronounced "way say")
- Telephone number = Nomor telepon
- Hot = Panas
- Cold = Dingin
- Delicious = Enak